Redemption Seen Afar Off (Bright Year: Day 28)


“[Even the patriarch Jacob] exhibits the life-giving covenant of God to many generations, so as to prove his own confidence that, after his death, God would be faithful to his promise. Whence also it follows, that, with his last breath, and as if in the midst of death, he laid hold on eternal life. But if he, amidst obscure shadows, relying on a redemption seen afar off, boldly went forth to meet death; what ought we to do, on whom the clear day has shined; or what excuse remains for us, if our minds fail amidst similar agitations?”

- John Calvin, Commentary on Genesis 49:18.

Bright Year is a series from Dr. Nathan Hitchcock exploring the Easter light thrown on every day of the year. The rest can be found at

Nathan Hitchcock